Inclusion At Work

by | Jan 14, 2024 | FAQ about my programs

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I am an immigrant and came to the US as an adult to seek higher education and employment. How will this program help me feel more included with my colleagues at my job?




As an immigrant to this country, you are most likely well aware of communication challenges in education and work spaces.  One must have proficiency in spoken and written English in order to complete courses and job requirements as it relates to both acquiring and communicating knowledge.  One must have a sense of both the casual use of English and the more formal/technical use you would employ in the work setting.  One must know how to use formal and less formal language, understand jokes, use common expressions and the like just to fit in.


Maybe you can relate to these situations.

*Imagine you need to speak with your boss about the project you are working on and how you are having difficulty meeting the deadline.  You ask him what he would like you to do, he gives an answer that seems vague and is spoken so quickly you only catch a portion of it.  If you ask him again, you are afraid you may appear weak or he may become angry.


*Maybe you want to relate to your peers at work or in your graduate program.  They are friendly to you but it only goes so far.  How can you fit in?  It seems they like to talk about American football, in depth, but this isn’t anything of interest to you.  Maybe you are working on a team together for a project, and you aren’t allowed to give your input, and when you do, someone else takes credit for your ideas.


*Or maybe you try really hard to be friendly to anyone you meet, whether it’s at the market, the coffeeshop, your child’s teacher, etc.  You speak up to engage someone in a conversation only to have them ask you what you said.  This seems to happen all of the time, and you can’t figure out why because you are trying your hardest to get the English right.


So, will my program help?

Yes!  My program is thorough and deep.  You will have the opportunity to work on the three P’s of English communication: pronunciation of North American English, proficiency of English language skills for writing and speaking, and preparation of presentations/lectures/seminars.


By learning pronunciation of North American English, you will learn to speak with clarity and naturalness that will help you be understood when speaking to others in your community.

By learning the common phrases Americans say, perfecting your grammar, and learning formal vs informal ways to get your messages across, you will be ready to engage in conversations with your peers, opening up opportunities for relationships and community building.

And by working on your presentations, your colleagues and superiors will have a solid understanding of your knowledge and expertise, opening doors for your career advancement.



Perfect your English communication skills

As an immigrant to the United States, you have plans and goals for your life.  Don’t let barriers prevent you from reaching those goals.  Perfect your English communication; let others know the real you by really hearing your message.  Increase your confidence to speak up, speak out, defend your views, engage and be accepted.


That is my hope for you in this New Year 2024.

Want to know more?

Be sure to follow me on my Facebook page here for additional tips and content.

Explore Before Committing

Are you interested in trying speech training without committing to a program first?  Check out my FREE 7 day challenge “Introduction to Speaking North American English More Naturally”.  No obligation to purchase.  Get a taste of what it is like to work with me and make quick changes to your English speaking skills.


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