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Body language: Watch me

Body language: Watch me

Tip #4: Make good use of body language, both in what you see and what you do.   Why is this important?  It has been said that well over 50% of our message is conveyed nonverbally.  That means without words.  One of the primary modes of nonverbal communication is...
Ears: Have you heard?

Ears: Have you heard?

Tip #3: Listen when you listen and when you speak.   What?  How are ears part of talking, you might ask?  Well, our ears are not just part of talking but instead are part of the bigger picture of communicating.  We use our ears to listen to ourselves as we speak,...
Voice: What’s the buzz?

Voice: What’s the buzz?

Tip #2: Understand your voice.   Have you ever paid attention to the buzz of your voice? Where is it coming from? How is it made? Our voice is generated in our voice box, known as our larynx.  It sits at the top of our windpipe (trachea). Our larynx houses our...
Breath.  It’s the floor.

Breath. It’s the floor.

Tip #1: Support your speaking with your breath.   Did you know that your breathing, your breath support, is a critical piece of how you talk and convey your message?  Many times we really don’t consider our breathing.  It’s automatic.  It’s something we do...

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